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Marketing is apparently not what it used to be. Online retailers are now vying for the attention of an increasingly demanding public; mainly about what can only be called a fickle millennial generation. Thus, it is very much “out with the old and in with the new” when looking at successful marketing strategies. This is arguably the main reason why content performance marketing is now being embraced across the boards. How can this approach be employed to measure critical data accurately and more importantly, how will this data-driven method continue to change the marketing community? 

Content Performance Marketing: The Critical Role of ROI 

From a broad aspect, the ultimate goal of content performance marketing is to understand the demand for specific content. The ability of the advertiser to leverage past and present analytics will provide a much more seamless approach. Of course, this strategy can also help to predict the ROI associated with an ongoing sales campaign accurately. To be quite clear, this is a different methodology when compared to more traditional forms of content marketing. 

Related: Formulating an effective approach to Content Marketing

Past approaches would gauge marketing performance by merely churning out material and observing which approaches worked the best. Unfortunately, this would often fail to target the appropriate customer base, and without a firm connection with the consumer, substantial amounts of revenue would be squandered. Performance-oriented marketing stresses quality over quantity. The on-demand material will also help to evaluate present and future ROI; essential for any business.  

Predictive Analyses and Performance Marketing 

Another tenet embraced by this type of marketing involves data analyses and performance optimisation. To put this another way, the marketer will leverage all available information (through existing analytics) to better understand how to segment and distribute the content itself. For instance, some campaigns would be much more efficient as email advertisements while others are intended for a social media audience. Understanding how a brand will perform in the eyes of its audience will also help to increase ROI and to maintain a stable connection with the buyer. The enterprise can better understand what is working and what is not. 

Segmenting the Buyer Community 

Past companies would essentially disseminate information to the masses. If they threw enough jam onto a wall, perhaps some would stick. Doing so is once again incredibly wasteful concerning ROI, and in some cases, the audience itself could become alienated. 

Analysing the performance of content enables a company to make timely decisions and to deliver the correct material at the right time to the precise audience. This granular and segmented approach can also help to increase brand loyalty; a benefit not to be overlooked in such a competitive atmosphere. 

Related: Mobile App Marketing for your Business or Organisation

Content Performance Marketing: Lean and Versatile 

Another reason why so many firms are shifting their focus towards this strategy is that in-house expenditures can be dramatically reduced without sacrificing quality. Correct performance analyses will enable management to build leaner teams and enhance interdepartmental accountability. Establishing strong data-driven connections associated with any sales campaign can provide the insight and clarity to make the best choices at the best moments. 

Tying Together Performance and the Customer Experience 

18 billion dollars was spent on content creation during 2016 within the United States alone. It is therefore easy to appreciate why understanding how this content is performing using real-time methods is so important. Content marketing is here to stay. Regarding sheer efficiency, take advantage by measuring your performance.

The article Content Performance Marketing: Making the Right Choices at the Right Times was first published on Author Frank M. Waechter.